Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Tips for an Introvert in a Leadership Position - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 5 Tips for an Introvert in a Leadership Position - Introvert Whisperer 5 Tips for an Introvert in a Leadership Position Kayla Matthews December 18, 2018 Leadership No responses Go to top Introversion and leadership might not seem to go hand in hand at first glance, but employers who think the two are mutually exclusive are missing out. You have several advantages as an introverted leader over your extroverted peers. Introverts make excellent leaders due to their thorough problem-solving skills, ability to focus on tasks without the distraction of talking to colleagues and productivity-based motivation. If youve recently gotten appointed to a leadership position, its normal to feel uncomfortable. But you can still have a thriving career in leadership as an introvert â€" and you might even find yourself enjoying it. To help you get settled into this role, here are five tips for flourishing in leadership. 1. Use Your Natural Talents of Listening and Learning Dont try to masquerade as an extrovert to fit into a leadership role. Instead, channel the unique skill sets you have as an introvert and embrace your leadership style. Introverts have a reputation for their natural ability to listen first and talk later â€" a skill many of your extroverted counterparts may lack. Use this natural talent. Ask your employees and co-workers for their ideas, thoughts and complaints, and actively listen to them to create innovative solutions in the workplace. Your attentiveness will make them feel truly heard, and youll be able to thoroughly think through your guidance and feedback for the best possible solutions. 2. Step out of Your Comfort Zone â€" Occasionally Even the most introverted leaders occasionally have to stand up and make a speech or organize a large business meeting. Put yourself out there â€" force yourself to participate in small talk with a group of your colleagues and clients. If the idea currently sounds difficult, try taking some public speaking classes to get in the habit of addressing groups. At the same time, dont force yourself out of your comfort zone so much you become too stressed or tired out. Take some time to yourself each day to rest, recharge and think about your strategy. 3. Write Down Your Thoughts When you do need to address large groups, it helps to prepare. Introverts like to take time to think through their ideas before presenting them, and they often feel more comfortable writing things down than saying the first thing on their mind. Ask for meeting agendas in advance, so you have time to collect your thoughts on the subject. Type up a one- or two-page paper summarizing your ideas and questions concerning the speaking points. When it comes time for you to speak, use your notes to guide you in the right direction. 4. Understand the Importance of One-On-One Conversations Large meetings can understandably be intimidating, but you can use other methods to communicate with your staff. Sometimes, one-on-one conversations can be more powerful, as well as easier to handle. Try to catch up with colleagues during private lunches, personal meetings and reflections in small groups, and space out large meetings for when theyre necessary. 5. Dont Label Yourself Most introverts shy away from leadership roles. They expect to feel fearful, worried, nervous or upset in group settings because of their quiet nature. But in reality, the only thing holding you back is your mind. Let go of your label as introvert and be yourself. Think positively and be confident about your ability to lead â€" after all, you earned your leadership position because your peers felt you had potential. Make the Most of Your Leadership Skills You may have never envisioned yourself in a leadership role, but that doesnt mean you wont find success in your position. You have plenty to bring to the table, so put your unique skills to work to be the best you can be as an introverted leader. Go to top Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.  Grab yours by visiting here right now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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